how to make an acupuncture treatment note

how to make an acupuncture treatment note

Making an acupuncture treatment note is the same as the others. There is a difference with Fogo Acupuncture note as it is built with Fogo Smart TCM Assistant. With this tool, you may get Fogo to provide you some advice for the acupuncture points after the information of signs and symptoms are obtained from your patient. 

  1. Make an appointment for acupuncture services in dashboard
  2. Click ‘Diagnosis’ button to go to diagnosis page 
  3. Match signs and symptoms presented from your patient on the right  
  4. Take pulse and check the tongue mapping 
  5. Enter other information in the TEXT box. 
  6. Click the ‘Diagnosis’ 
  7. Choose the points suggested or enter it from the left bottom area
  8. Save before closing the page. 
  9. You may save it as your template for future use. 
how to do a diagnosis with Fogo Smart TCM assistant

How to do a diagnosis with Fogo Smart TCM assistant

Fogo provides Chinese Medicine practitioners especially with an English language background with an easy to use smart tool. It assists TCM practitioners to get the signs and symptoms for the diagnosis. 

  1. Open the diagnosis page from the appointment table
  2. Choose the signs and symptoms from the left side of the page. These information can be removed from the right side under the ‘signs and symptoms’ tab. 
  3. Take the pulse and record tongue mapping. Both pulse and tongue inspection must be recorded prior to the activation of the ‘Diagnosis’ button. 
  4. Click ‘Diagnosis’ the results will be shown in the bottom of the right side. 
  5. The acupuncture points and herbs can be clicked to become your treatment. The results will be shown on the right side of the page. 

Please be noted Fogo does not hold any medical licence and all this information only can be treated as reference only. They are not or to replace your judgement or medical treatment . 

how to use the last treatment note

how to use the last treatment note

Practitioners can view and duplicate the last treatment note to the current one. It’s time saving. 

Open the diagnosis page from the appointment table  

Click ‘Last visit’ button and open the last visit tab 

View last visit note by clicking next and previous button 

Click ‘ Use it’ if you like to copy the information 

Revise it or enter new information

Save to close the page 

how to make a treatment note

How to make a treatment note

Navigating to the button ‘Diagnosis’ will lead to the diagnosis page after the appointment is created. You will find and enter the necessary information such as: 

Family history, current condition, current medication, etc. on the right side of the page. 

Vital signs input

Upload the important files 

There is a free text area for your treatment notes.

You may save this treatment as a useful template for future reference.

Don’t forget to ‘Save’ before leaving this page. 

what do I need to set up Fogo online booking

what do I need to set up Fogo online booking

  1. Company and branches information: set up via Management > Company Information
  2. Stripe account and connect to Fogo via Management> Service> Stripe Connection 
  3. Staff availability: set up via Management > Staff management 
  4. Services including location, prices, durations and policies: set up via Management> Services
  5. And your business dedicated Fogo online booking url. Please email to if you don’t have one with your preferred business name. The url format will be like YourBusinessName.
what is Fogo booking url

what is Fogo booking url

Online booking is essential to any business. However, it is difficult for traditional practice management systems. It is not simply using an online calendar to make bookings. It involves more than just name and time taking. It should include your business name, service, provider, identity verification and payment. Fogo provides a smart solution to this problem with Fogo booking url. It is formatted as YourBusinessName. 

It is a dedicated url and points directly to your Fogo portal. You don’t need a website to receive online booking. You just need to provide or promote this url. 

If you are a Fogo user and do not have this url address. Please email us your preferred business name to so we can set this up for you. It only takes a few minutes to set up. 

With this url, booking is not the only option. Your customers are able to register, book, reschedule, checkin, buy gift cards and see your special offers. Click this link to see the example

how to make one click instant booking

how to make one click instant booking

Busy practice? A long queue? No worries with Fogo one-click instant booking for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes, 90minutes and 120 minutes. 

  1. Stay in dashboard after login
  2. Double click the start time slot and bring up the booking table
  3. Click the button for quick instant booking 15 minutes or other options 
  4. The instant booking is created once the button is clicked. 
  5. This allows the Fogo user to focus on the serving clients and have more time to fill up the appointment afterwards. 
  6. Edit the client name or create new client once you have chance.
how your customer make an booking

how your customer make an booking

  1. Embed Fogo booking url into your website or send url to your customer. With the fast growing or QR code you may convert your Fogo booking url into a QR code. Display it at the entrance or front desk. Don’t have one? Please email to get one dedicated to your business. 
  2. Customers will need to enter url in browsers including smartphone browsers. Customers can scan the QR code to open the link.  
  3. Choose booking and follow the steps: Branch, Category, Item, next available time or choose favourite provider. 
  4. Choose date and time in the next step
  5. Verify email
  6. Choose to pay on arrival, online or by voucher. 
  7. Enter the payment details and submit. 
  8. Customers will automatically login to the Fogo client portal. Customers can view, edit or manage their appointments. 
how to rebook an appointment

how to rebook an appointment

Business login including admin, receptionist and staff login can rebook an appointment in various ways. The fast way is as the following if the service, item and provide remains the same

  1. Find the appointment needs rebook
  2. Double click to open the appointment table 
  3. Click the button ‘Book again’ on the top 
  4. Choose the date and time. The available time is shown in blue colour. Red colour means it is occupied. 
  5. Click the ‘Update’ button once the appropriate date and time is chosen. 

A new appointment will be created in the dashboard if the category, service and provider are not the same.

how to reschedule an appointment

how to reschedule an appointment

Business login including admin, receptionist and staff login can reschedule an appointment in various ways. The fast way is as the following if the service, item and provide remains the same

  1. Find the appointment needs reschedule 
  2. Double click to open the appointment table 
  3. Click the button ‘Reschedule’ on the top 
  4. Choose the date and time. The available time is shown in blue colour. Red colour means it is occupied. 
  5. Click the ‘Update’ button once the appropriate date and time is chosen. 

The current appointment needs to be cancelled and a new one starts by choosing the date in the dashboard if the category, service and provider are not the same..