Fogo adopts visulized interface to create and manage your bookings. To make a new appointment please follow the steps below
- Login to your Fogo account. No matter the staff , receptionist or admin account. No matter from desktop, Pads or smart phones.
- Double click or click ‘New’ in the dashboard. Navigate to ‘Appointment’ tab if you are not in the dashboard.
- The appointment tab will appear
- Choose service, item, service provider and duration of the service. Please set up your services if you sign in the first time.
- Search your existing clients by name, mobile or fund membership Or click ‘Create a new client’ to enter new client details.
- Enter any necessary information in the note section.
- Click the ‘Create’ button on the bottom of the tab to create this appointment.
- Fogo sends a booking confirmation email 5 minutes after the creation. Fogo also sends email reminders to your clients one day before the booking time.