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Google 2-Factor Authentication

How to set up a Google 2-Factor Authentication app to double my Fogo account security?

We are introducing Google 2-Factor Authentication across all merchant accounts. Google 2-Factor Authentication is designed to make sure that your account is as secure as possible. Alternative TEXT login will incur fees and you will need to recharge your Fogo TEXT account first. 

How it works

You will use a Google Authenticator app to generate a code that will be your secure method of logging into your account and verifying your identity.

Step 1 of 3 Download an authenticator app

Download a Google Authenticator app.  These work for both iPhones and Android phones.

Step 2 of 3

Scan the QR code below with the authenticator app

Google Authenticator app will allow you to scan a QR code and generate a 6 digit number.

Step 3 of 3

Enter the app generated six digit code below

This will allow us to verify your identity and secure your account. You may occasionally be asked for a code so keep the authenticator app on your phone.

Please note that you will be signed out of all other active sessions once you complete enrolment. 2-Factor Authentication will be active on your next login.

How to issue a gift voucher manually? Uncategorized

how to issue a gift voucher manually?

To issue a Gift Voucher, follow these steps if the client did not purchase it through your booking link:

  1. Collect payment from the client first.
  2. Access the ‘Management’ section and select ‘Fogo Voucher.’
  3. Click on the ‘Issue’ button.
  4. Locate the appropriate campaign/voucher.
  5. Select the first available voucher and click on the ‘Issue’ option.
  6. Find the client in your system or create a new client profile using a designated email address.
  7. Choose the payment method and include the correct payment reference number in the note section.
  8. Finalise the process by issuing the voucher.
How can my clients purchase a gift voucher?

how can my clients purchase a gift voucher?

After setting up your Fogo gift voucher campaign, your clients have multiple options to make a purchase. Here are the methods available:

Method 1: By clicking the ‘Gift Voucher’ button on your Fogo booking link page. In case you don’t have a booking page, please reach out to us. Clients can then follow the provided steps to select a voucher and complete the payment. Once the payment is successful, the voucher will be sent to their email address. This process is entirely handled without your involvement, ensuring a hassle-free experience for you.

Method 2: If your clients make the payment in your presence, you can issue the voucher directly to their email address. Access the ‘Fogo Vouchers’ section, click on ‘Issue,’ and select the appropriate campaign. Choose the first available voucher, search for or create a new client, and record the payment method. The voucher will be sent to the client via email.

Method 3: Alternatively, you can issue the voucher to your own email address and then print it out for distribution.

how to redeem Fogo gift card

how to redeem Fogo gift card

You and your receptionist can redeem the gift card once your customer presents it to you. Each Fogo Gift Card has a unique security code which is only available for gift card holders. The security code must be presented prior to their services. 

  1. Click ‘Gift Card’ or ‘Redeem’ on the head menu
  2. Enter the security code and search
  3. Find match and click redeem button 
  4. Make sure redeem is successful prior to providing any service 
how to apply to issue a Fogo gift card

how to apply to issue a Fogo gift card

Fogo empowered its business partners with the most powerful gift card feature. Fogo gift cards provide you with the easiest and hassle-free digital gift card. Say bye-bye to paper and books. You need to apply your gift card idea first. 

  1. Login your Fogo admin account
  2. Connect your Stripe account if you haven’t done so
  3. Navigate to Management > Services > Gift Card 
  4. In the first tab, Click ‘Gift Card Application’ 
  5. Enter your gift card information especially valid dates, fine print and redemption locations
  6. Submit to Fogo for further approval. Email if you don’t get approval in 24 hours. 
  7. Start promoting your sharing your Fogo Online Booking url link 
  8. Your customers are able to purchase and share it with their loved ones.