Accountant Business Manager FogoHelpCenter How to create a new Case Template in the Fogo System

How to create a new Case Template in the Fogo System

A case template can be extremely useful in your daily practice, particularly for patients with similar conditions. Its purpose is to save time and enhance treatment outcomes. There are different methods for creating a new case template.

The first method is to navigate to the case template menu by going to Management > Services > Case Template. Click on ‘New’ and follow the steps to create a new case template. Be sure to change the status so that it is visible from the appointment tab or diagnosis page. You can also edit the template over time to improve its quality. A Global template is accessible to all Fogo users, while a Local template can only be viewed and copied within your own practice.

The second method is to use the ‘Save as Template’ option on your diagnosis page. Remember to ask your practice administrator to change the status to active so you can view and use it.

Accountant Business Manager Customer Dispenser Fogo Account Security FogoHelpCenter Gift Cards Google 2-Factor Authentication Human Resources Payment and Invoice Receptionist Services mangement Sign in Staff managment Uncategorized

Google 2-Factor Authentication

How to set up a Google 2-Factor Authentication app to double my Fogo account security?

We are introducing Google 2-Factor Authentication across all merchant accounts. Google 2-Factor Authentication is designed to make sure that your account is as secure as possible. Alternative TEXT login will incur fees and you will need to recharge your Fogo TEXT account first. 

How it works

You will use a Google Authenticator app to generate a code that will be your secure method of logging into your account and verifying your identity.

Step 1 of 3 Download an authenticator app

Download a Google Authenticator app.  These work for both iPhones and Android phones.

Step 2 of 3

Scan the QR code below with the authenticator app

Google Authenticator app will allow you to scan a QR code and generate a 6 digit number.

Step 3 of 3

Enter the app generated six digit code below

This will allow us to verify your identity and secure your account. You may occasionally be asked for a code so keep the authenticator app on your phone.

Please note that you will be signed out of all other active sessions once you complete enrolment. 2-Factor Authentication will be active on your next login.

Accountant Business Manager How to record a store balance?

How to add value to store balance?

Explanation of how to increase the customer’s store balance within the Fogo system:

Step 1: Access the payment page.

Step 2: Input customer and cashier details.

Step 3: Specify ‘Store Balance Payment’ with the value set to ‘0″, quantity ‘1’, and tax as ‘0’ if this is recorded as a future payment.

Step 4: Input the payment amount and choose the payment method.

Step 5: Ensure you select the ‘Bonus’ payment method and input the accurate amount if the store balance includes a bonus value.

If there are any inaccuracies, modify this payment through your Fogo admin account.