how to apply to issue a Fogo gift card

how to apply to issue a Fogo gift card

Fogo empowered its business partners with the most powerful gift card feature. Fogo gift cards provide you with the easiest and hassle-free digital gift card. Say bye-bye to paper and books. You need to apply your gift card idea first. 

  1. Login your Fogo admin account
  2. Connect your Stripe account if you haven’t done so
  3. Navigate to Management > Services > Gift Card 
  4. In the first tab, Click ‘Gift Card Application’ 
  5. Enter your gift card information especially valid dates, fine print and redemption locations
  6. Submit to Fogo for further approval. Email if you don’t get approval in 24 hours. 
  7. Start promoting your sharing your Fogo Online Booking url link 
  8. Your customers are able to purchase and share it with their loved ones. 

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